FallZone Playground Surfacing for Spring Rider Playground Equipment

FallZone Playground Surfacing for Spring Rider Playground Equipment

FallZone Playground Surfacing for Spring Riders  Spring Riders come in several different types, such as cars, bikes, and animals. Spring riders allow children to bounce and rock and are perfect for toddlers and preschool age children. They move back and forth by the...
FallZone Playground Surfacing Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for Playground Monkey Bars 

FallZone Playground Surfacing Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for Playground Monkey Bars 

FallZone Playground Safety Surfacing Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for Playground Monkey Bars  Children love monkey Bars, 4-12 year old children use their upper body strength to play on climbers. When playground Monkey Bars are installed, FallZone Playground Safety...
Playground Balance Beam Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for FallZone Playground Safety Surfacing

Playground Balance Beam Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for FallZone Playground Safety Surfacing

Playground Balance Beam Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for FallZone Playground Safety Surfacing Balance beams can add an element of fall risk to a playground.The possibility of falling off provides an element of unpredictability to play so it is essential that the proper...
FallZone Playground Safety Surfacing Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for Net Climbers

FallZone Playground Safety Surfacing Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for Net Climbers

FallZone Playground Safety Surfacing Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for Net Climbers Climbers are a fun aspect of playgrounds but risky especially not having the proper FallZone Playground Safety Surfacing under and around these playground structures. Three dimensional...
Playground Tire Swing Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for FallZone Playground Safety Surfacing

Playground Tire Swing Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for FallZone Playground Safety Surfacing

Tire Swing Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for FallZone Playground Safety Surfacing Playground Tire Swings, also known as multi-axis swings, are normally horizontal and hung by three chains/cables to a single top section. This connection allows the swing to rotate in...
Playground Slide Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for FallZone Safety Surfacing

Playground Slide Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for FallZone Safety Surfacing

Playground Slide Fall-Zone & Fall-Height for FallZone Safety Surfacing Playground Slide Fall-Zone — The playground surface under and around a piece of equipment onto which a child falling from or exiting from the equipment would be expected to land. These areas...