The Worst To First Playground Surfacing

Every year, about a dozen children die in playground accidents and over 200,000 are injured, according to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission with the overwhelming majority caused by falls. The good news is, most playground accidents happen because of the same hazards, falls onto inadequate playground surfacing, so FallZone Safety Surfacing has put together ”The worst to first playground safety surfacing list” recommendations so you can avoid these dangerous playgrounds with improper playground surfacing and enjoy the ones that have been built with safety as there #1 priority for protecting children from injuries.

The Worst To First Playground Surfacing; 

  1. Concrete
  2. Blacktop
  3. Packed Earth
  4. Wood Chips 
  5. Rubber Mulch
  6. Sand / Pea Gravel
  7. Engineered Wood Fiber
  8. Playground Tiles 
  9. FallZone Bonded Rubber
  10. FallZone Synthetic Grass
  11. FallZone Poured-in-Place 

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